Flåmsbrygga Hotell AS

Address: A-feltsvegen 25, 5743 Flåm
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Directions: Flåm is easy to get to, whether you are travelling by plane, train, boat, bus or by car.
Flåmsbrygga is located at the main road between Bergen and Oslo, E-16, is open all year. Travelling time by car by from Bergen is 2.5 hours and 5.5 hours from Oslo.
The National Tourist Route - the scenic mountain road between Aurland and Lærdal is open in the summer season.  
Flåm - Aurland - Hol is open all year round, for driving between east and west. 

From Oslo or Bergen, take the train to Myrdal, and change to the Flåm Railway - one of the most magnificent railway adventures in world and part of the Norway in a Nutshell® or “The Sognefjord in a Nutshell” tours. Flåm Railway is running all year.
Info/tickets: tel. 815 00 888 - www.nsb.no,  www.flaamsbana.no
The passenger boat on the Nærøyfjord (UNESCO) Flåm - Gudvangen all year, is part of Norway in a Nutshell tour® 
Express boat: Bergen–Flåm (round trip): 1 May – 30 September. Info: www.norled.no

Sogndal Airport Haukåsen 70 km / Bergen Airport Flesland 165 km. 

GPS coordinates

Coordinates to device
Latitude: 60.8638051809139
Longitude: 7.11733818054199
Latitude: 60° 51' 50"
Longitude: 7° 7' 2"

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